Pictures to raise
Awareness on the challenges
Facing Mountain Regions
Assuming that culture is a powerful vector to raise awareness, the SMArt program, in partnership with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), promotes intercultural and artistic exchanges with countries of the global South. The « South-South Actions » component of the program aims to encourage exchanges between artists, build bridges between artists, civil society and academics, and pursue discussions on the program’s themes within our partner countries.
On the occasion of International Refugee Day, the Fondation Orient-Occident in Rabat, in partnership with the SMArt program, is inaugurating the « Migration » exhibition curated by Aniko Boehler and Aristide N’dah. It brings together multidisciplinary Moroccan artists: the visual artists Mo Baala and Zineb Benjelloun, and the photographers Ziad Naitaddi and Yassine Sellame, who will reflect on the topic of migration through the lens of their art.
Exhibition: June 21 – July 21, 2023, Fondation Orient-Occident, Rabat
Opening: June 21
Artists :
Zineb Benjelloun
Born in 1984 in Rabat, Zineb studied fine arts and documentary filmmaking. Since 2013, her practice has focused on drawing and writing. Her artwork takes the form of cartography, graphic novels and illustration.
Mo Baala
Born in 1986 in Casablanca, Mo Baala is a multi-disciplinary artist. He uses mixed techniques, as collage on paper, drawing, painting, textile and leather installations, sculpture, ceramics or also music and sound art.
Ziad Naitaddi
Born in 1995 in Rabat, Ziad Naitaddi is a self-taught visual artist. Since 2013, he devoted his time to photography through a cinematic research which he explores in the form of documentary and fiction.
Yassine Sellame
Born in 1994 in Marrakech, Yassine began photography in 2015. In 2016, he began experimenting with photographic development at home. Today, he organizes photo development workshops in several art spaces.
Lebanon Mountains High Atlas 2017-2019 is a cooperation project between Dar al-Mussawir, Beirut, and Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels de Marrakech (ESAVM) within the SMArt programme. It aims at building new collaborations between international cultural partners and encouraged a respective “regards-croisés” on common issues between mountains areas in Lebanon and Morocco.
This project included an exchange of six young and emerging talents in photography and video to initiate a dynamic cultural exchange between Lebanon and Morocco and to allow opportunity for young artists in photography, film and multimedia from both countries to explore projects on mountain areas themes that touch environment, agriculture, global warming, water resources, migration, globalization in markets and production, cultural landscapes, biodiversity, the encounter of human / mountain.
Through an open call in both countries, the photographers were selected and participated in two workshops and residencies, in Lebanon and Morocco:
From Lebanon: Ashraf Mtaweh, Hussam Hawwa and Ziad Hage
From Morocco: Abderrahmane Marzoug, Zahrine Kahlo and Ziad Naitaddi
Lebanon Mountains – High Atlas 2017-2019
Ashraf Mtaweh, Lebanon
Artist and filmmaker based in Beirut, Ashraf Mtaweh holds a BS in Computer Sciences and a BA in Cinema Studies. He is mainly focused on filmmaking and write, direct and produce several documentaries, advertisements and films.
Hussam Hawwa, Lebanon
Hussam Hawwa has been actively using his film SLR camera for 20 years and held several personal and collective exhibitions. His artwork style reflects “Bressonic” moments, with subjects mainly found in urban streets, rural areas, and most evidently, nature.
Ziad Hage, Lebanon
Born in Zgharta in 1979, Ziad Hage is a freelance photographer who seeks and renders different photographic subjects with a conceptual approach away from the traditional.
Abderrahmane Marzoug, Morocco
Abderrahmane Marzoug is a designer and artistic director in a digital solution agency, and a big passionate about graphic art and the outdoors.
Zahrin Kahlo, Morocco
Born in Morocco into a Berber/Hispanic family, she spent her childhood in Spain and Italy. She’s graduated from the Art Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan with a focus on the study of Orientalist Photography.
Ziad Naitaddi, Morocco
Born in 1995 in Rabat, Ziad Naitaddi is a self-taught visual artist. Since 2013, he devoted his time to photography through a cinematic research which he explores in the form of documentary and fiction.
Into the nature is a creative project to raise awareness among young people about our relationship with nature. The idea is to get young people aged 15 to 20 in secondary school thinking about nature by allowing them to create a communication tool. The aim of these creations is to raise awareness, motivate and inspire their peers to value nature and to make them understand its essential role for humans. The goal is to encourage them to connect more with it to take better care of it in the future.
Into the nature est un projet de création du programme SMArt permettant de sensibiliser le jeune public à notre relation à la nature. L’idée est de susciter la réflexion des jeunes de 15 à 20 ans, en formation secondaire, en leur permettant de créer un outil de communication. L’objectif de ces créations est de sensibiliser, motiver et inspirer leurs pairs à accorder de l’importance à la nature et à leur faire comprendre son rôle essentiel pour l’Humain. Le but est de les inciter à plus se connecter à elle pour mieux en prendre soin à l’avenir.
Raed, farmer, Lebanon
Raed, a farmer who has been working in Mount Lebanon for 8 years with his wife, tells us about his commitment and his will to change things.
Sarah, herbalist, economist, and mountain farmer, Zinal, Switzerland
After working several years as an economist, Sarah decided to devote herself to her mountain pasture.
Laurent, farmer’s son, Switzerland
Laurent, 14 years old, talks about his life on the farm and his daily learning experience close to nature.
Lucie, psychotherapist and Pascal, nature guide
Through their work, Lucie and Pascal help people re-establish the link with nature, that we have partly lost, and which is essential for our well-being.
Ayah Abdouny, environmental activist, Lebanon
« It will be a long journey to change. »
« Ce sera un long voyage pour changer. »
Ayah Abdouny is 30 years old. Member of the Lebanese Greens Party, this environmental activist takes us on the roads of the Bekaa Valley where she grew up and decided to settle after her studies as an interior designer in Beirut. In her grandmother’s house, she talks about her observations and vision for dealing with the consequences of climate change. She believes in intergenerational dialogue, education and reconnection with nature. The ecological transition will not happen overnight, it takes time and patience and being able to listen to each other more. She supports and trusts in the younger generation who will be best impact and support this transition with heart and motivation to act now and for the future.
Ayah Abdouny a 30 ans. Membre du parti des Verts libanais, cette militante écologiste nous emmène sur les routes de la Vallée de la Bekaa où elle grandit et décide de s’installer après ses études d’architecture d’intérieur à Beyrouth. Dans la maison de sa grand-mère, elle évoque ses constats et sa vision pour faire face aux conséquences du changement climatique. Elle croit au dialogue intergénérationnel, à l’éducation et à la reconnexion à la nature. La transition écologique ne se fera pas en un jour, il faut du temps et de la patience, être capable d’être plus à l’écoute les uns des autres. Elle soutient et fait confiance à la jeune génération qui impactera et accompagnera le mieux cette transition avec cœur et motivation pour agir maintenant et pour le futur.
Sandrine Siu, 24, student, Switzerland
« What I care about most is helping people become aware of our dependent relationship with nature and realize that in the end we’re nothing without it. »
« Ce qui me tient le plus à cœur, c’est d’aider les gens à prendre conscience de notre relation de dépendance avec la nature, de réaliser qu’au final on est rien sans elle. »
Sandrine Siu, a 24-year-old student of environmental policy, takes us to the Vallon de Nant in the Vaud Alps. She talks about her relationship with nature and her growing awareness, but also about eco-anxiety and commitment. She invites us to a reconnection with nature and a commitment in line with our values.
Sandrine Siu, étudiante de 24 ans en politiques environnementales, nous emmène dans le Vallon de Nant, dans les Alpes vaudoises. Elle y évoque sa relation avec la nature et sa prise de conscience, mais aussi la question de l’éco-anxiété et de l’engagement. Elle invite à la reconnexion à la nature et à un engagement cohérent avec ses valeurs.
Jean-Valentin de Saussure, 24, entrepreneur and parliamentary assistant, Switzerland
« What I want to say to young people who aren’t already involved is that there are endless ways in which you can contribute to the solution. »
« Ce que j’ai envie de dire aux jeunes qui ne sont pas déjà engagés, c’est qu’il y a mille et une façons de pouvoir contribuer à la solution. »
Jean-Valentin de Saussure, 23, sees himself as an entrepreneur of change. He tells us about his first passion, gastronomy, which led him to the environmental and sustainability sphere, and his family heritage of Horace Bénédicte de Saussure, one of the first scientists who climbed Mont-Blanc. His commitment to the ecological transition is a combination of associative, professional and political activities. Jean-Valentin de Saussure is deeply convinced of the importance of young people in bringing about change, and provides guidance for today’s youth in finding a path to personal commitment. Above all, he aims to provide positive solutions and sees great potential for change in the entrepreneurial world. Optimistic but aware of the urgency, Jean-Valentin de Saussure prefers to believe that change is possible.
À 23 ans, Jean-Valentin de Saussure se considère comme un entrepreneur du changement. Il nous raconte sa première passion, la gastronomie, qui l’a emmené vers l’environnement et la durabilité, ainsi que son héritage familial d’Horace Bénédicte de Saussure, l’un des premiers scientifiques à gravir le Mont-Blanc. Son engagement pour la transition écologique est à la fois associatif, professionnel et politique. Convaincu profondément par l’importance de la jeunesse dans le changement, Jean-Valentin de Saussure donne des pistes aux jeunes d’aujourd’hui pour trouver une voie vers l’engagement personnel. Il souhaite surtout apporter des solutions positives et voit un grand potentiel de changements dans le monde entrepreneurial. Optimiste mais conscient de l’urgence, Jean-Valentin de Saussure préfère y croire.
The exhibition « impACT. What is our footprint? The photos testify » is a societal perspective, through images from yesterday and today, of what we have done and are still doing to our environment. In the light of a retrospective of the SMArt programme and historical visual testimonies preserved by the Médiathèque Valais – Martigny, the dialogue between archival documents and contemporary photographs restores what constitutes our present and invites us to consider the future differently.
Opening and Museum Night : 5 November 2022 from 1pm to 9pm
Free admission. Animations and performances all day long.
From 1pm – Continuous graphic performance « Empreintes sur miroirs » by the Avocat Studio
3pm – Art workshop « Empreintes sur murs », young public from 6 years old, with the Avocat Studio
5pm – Official part with a sound performance by Laura Morier-Genoud, followed by a concert by Fizzy Beard, on the piano, accompanied by Marine on dance
8pm – Performance and sound fragments from the Valais
Murmures, by Laura Morier-Genoud
Mediation programme :
Round table, artistic workshop, meetings, inclusive readings, stories ..
More info on the website
Round table: « Towards a more sustainable world. Why getting involved ? Awareness and professional changes ».
with :
– Laurence Piaget-Dubuis : eco-artist
– Lucien Willemin: former banker and real estate developer, author and speaker, promoter of the concept of « taking care of life
– Sarah Huber: herbalist and economist
– Sandrine Siu: student in environmental sciences
Listen to the conference here
Table-ronde : « Vers un monde plus durable. Pourquoi s’engager ? Prise de conscience et changements professionnels »
avec :
– Laurence Piaget-Dubuis : éco-artiste
– Lucien Willemin : ex-banquier et ex-promoteur immobilier, auteur-conférencier, promoteur du concept de « prendre soin de la vie »
– Sarah Huber : herboriste et économiste
– Sandrine Siu : étudiante en sciences de l’environnement
Ecouter la conférence ici
Into the nature est un projet de création permettant de sensibiliser le jeune public à notre relation à la nature. L’idée est de susciter la réflexion des jeunes de 15 à 20 ans, en formation secondaire, en leur permettant de créer un outil de communication. L’objectif de ces créations est de sensibiliser, motiver et inspirer leurs pairs à accorder de l’importance à la nature et à leur faire comprendre son rôle essentiel pour l’Humain. Le but est de les inciter à plus se connecter à elle pour mieux en prendre soin à l’avenir.
La classe d’Olivier Moser a mené un travail de réflexion qui a abouti à la réalisation de 4 podcasts entièrement conçus par les élèves de 5ème année en option complémentaire philosophie au Lycée-collège des Creusets à Sion (mars-juin 2021), à écouter ci-dessous.
Podcast d’introduction [0]. Être en nature, qu’est ce que ça nous apporte en période de COVID?
Into the nature is a creative project to raise awareness among young people about our relationship with nature. The idea is to get young people aged 15 to 20 in secondary school thinking about nature by allowing them to create a communication tool. The aim of these creations is to raise awareness, motivate and inspire their peers to value nature and to make them understand its essential role for humans. The goal is to encourage them to connect more with it to take better care of it in the future.
Olivier Moser’s class led a reflection that resulted in the production of 4 podcasts entirely conceived by the 5th year students in the complementary philosophy option at the Lycée-collège des Creusets in Sion (March-June 2021). Listen to the podcasts below.
Introductory podcast [0]. What does being in nature bring to us during the COVID period?
Le contact [Episode 1] :
Ce premier épisode propose de méditer le statut des relations humaines en présentant une série d’interviews. Le contact apparaissant comme un point central des problèmes liés à la crise COVID, une question vient à se poser : quelle est l’importance du rapport à l’autre dans la construction de soi ?
Contact [Episode 1]:
This first episode proposes to meditate on the status of human relations by presenting a series of interviews. As contact appears to be a central issue in the COVID crisis, a question arises: how important is the relationship with the other in the construction of the self?
La solitude [Episode 2] :
Ce second épisode entraîne l’auditeur dans une expérience artistique pour l’amener à questionner le regard que nous portons d’ordinaire sur la solitude : la solitude, est-elle un bien ou un mal ?
Loneliness [Episode 2]:
This second episode takes the listener through an artistic experience to question the way we usually look at loneliness: is loneliness good or bad?
Le sauvage [Episode 3] :
Construit comme un dialogue socratique, ce troisième volet souhaite déplacer les frontières et les catégories que nous utilisons pour penser la nature, la loi, la citoyenneté et la culture : le monde civilisé des hommes n’est-il pas en réalité sauvage ? La dimension sauvage que nous attribuons à la nature n’est-elle pas qu’une construction humaine ?
Savage [Episode 3]:
Constructed as a Socratic dialogue, this third episode aims to shift the boundaries and categories we use to think about nature, law, citizenship and culture: isn’t the civilised world of humans actually wild? Is the savage dimension we attribute to nature not just a human construction?
La santé [Episode 4] :
Le dernier épisode de la série offre un regard académique sur la santé à mi-chemin entre médecine et philosophie.
Health [Episode 4]:
The last episode of the series offers an academic look at health, halfway between medicine and philosophy.