Pictures to raise
Awareness on the challenges
Facing Mountain Regions



Sunderiya Erdenesaikhan presents her artwork in Mongolia

From 15 to 23 March, and in partnership with the Swiss Cooperation Office in Mongolia, the Mongolian artist Sunderiya Erdenesaikhan will present her exhibition « Countries of Edelweiss » in her country. The exhibition will show the artwork she created during her 3-months residency in Bellwald (Switzerland) on the traditional foods of the Valais and the ancient crafts of cheese and rye bread, as well as the artist’s previous work, on traditional foods of Mongolia. The artwork of Taichar Enkhbat on cities life in Switzerland will also be exhibited.


This exhibition marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between Mongolia and Switzerland.


Opening : 15 March 2024, 5pm, Norphei Art Gallery, Bluemon Center