Tamir Bayarsaikhan
Artist and SMArtArtist's Career
Pictures to raise
Awareness on the challenges
Facing Mountain Regions
Most of Tamir Bayarsaikhan’s works are based on realness and truthfulness, because he believes that art must be true. In his early career, he tended to shoot landscapes and natural photos. But now he is trying to capture lively moments like photojournalism.
Tamir Bayarsaikhan has a background in multimedia graphic designer with a bachelor degree. He first started photography about 6 year ago and since been actively developing his skills. In 2013, he joined Mongolian first photographers’ community Tusgal club NGO. He is also one of the chair and founding members of BMA (We are Mongolian content) NGO, which recruited Mongolian top multimedia graphic designers.
2018 – “Me+We” Start with yourself. Public graphic design poster exhibition. Creative poster design campaign and public advocacy on urban environmental issues.
2017 – “New people”, documentary joint photo exhibition
2017 – “Nature without garbage-Photography”, documentary joint photo exhibition
2017 – “Edge of Blue Heaven”, joint photo exhibition with Tusgal photo club
2017 – “Parallel Universe”, documentary joint photo exhibition with Tusgal photo club