Jiehao Su
Artist and SMArtArtist's Career
Pictures to raise
Awareness on the challenges
Facing Mountain Regions
Just arrived in Valais, the young photographer visited the grave of Rainer Maria Rilke in Raron – a poet who deeply touches and influences him artistically. Perhaps is it the spirit of Rilke which led him to abandon plans to show the positive and negative impacts of human activities on the mountain landscape – an idea with which he had arrived in Valais.He eventually wanted to explore and gently seize the invisible soul of the place with his camera.
With this intention, he traveled throughout the district in search of expressive patterns, better prospects and good light. Details of nature, everyday situations and symbols of history and cultural Valais form a kind of trilogy, an overview that reveals the spirit of our region, beyond the visible and the present moment. For Jiehao Su, a delicate balance characterizes the essence of Valais – a balance that is to respect and protect.
In his exhibition in Beijing, Jiehao Su completes his book of images, inspired by the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, with a video about birds, a sound recording in a closed space as well as several email letters combined with images. These letters are genuine correspondences between him Sarah at SMArt and, with their linearity in time and their special form consisting of dialogues; they build a new intertextual relationship among with Su’s creations and Rilke’s texts. With this, Jiehao Su completes his commemoration and response to the poet.